Chinbeard Books – the independent publisher known for the 2015 Seasons of War charity anthology – has a new War Doctor collection raising money for Invest in ME – a charity funding research into Myalgic Encephalomyeliti, otherwise known as chronic fatigue syndrome.
Regenerations is available to buy as an ebook, all proceeds will go to Invest in ME.
“Something has gone very wrong with time!”
The Time Lord formerly known as the Doctor has been fighting the Time War for as long as he can recall. His previous lives — all those triumphs and tragedies — have been boxed up and filed away, too painful to revisit.
That is until something — or someone — begins tugging at the thread of the Doctor’s past. As familiar stories twist and shift, threatening the stability of the universe itself, the reluctant Warrior finds himself with only one option.He has to save the Doctor.
Edited by Canadian author Kenton Hall, this anthology boasts a stalwart collection of authors across more than 400 packed pages. The opening story packs a punch, setting up the theme of the anthology in a scant five pages before bursting confidently into a story featuring Susan. The book moves through the Doctor’s timeline with two Time Lords – Jelsillon and Dyliss – overseeing the action before concluding with a short and very poignant epilogue.
You may remember Chinbeard Books for the Seasons of War anthology, edited by Declan may. This project, in aid of Caudwell Children, spawned a short fan film that’s an impressive achievement in its own right. Regenerations takes a similar approach in featuring the War Doctor but offering an insight into a softer side to the wartorn Time Lord.
Founded in 2005, Invest in ME is an independent UK charity funding a strategy of biomedical research into ME and promoting greater education on the condition. Buying the Regenerations book will support the charity but please also consider donating directly if you can and adding Gift Aid if you’re a UK taxpayer.